Friday, February 12, 2010

Catching up . . .

I decided that it was time for a short update. We aren't very good at keeping our blog up to date, but we usually hit the highlights.

So, what have we been doing since December 13th? First, we had a fabulous Christmas celebration. Mom and Dad flew in mid-December to close on their new house in Whitney, Idaho. There was lots of driving back and forth, moving, cleaning, unpacking, and fixing plumbing. It was busy, but we got everything ready by Christmas Eve. It was perfect. Everyone had a couple of weeks off of work and school (except Alli, but she was able to spend most of every day with us), so we had lots of quality family time. We went on walks, played card games, played on the Wii, played Beattles Rock Band, watched movies, and put together puzzles. Jeni posted lots of pictures on Facebook, so I will just include this one. Not the greatest composition, but you can't expect perfection when you have to use a self-timer.

In January, Crystal and Jeni had to go back to work, Mom and Dad had to go home, and then Jessica and Matthew had to go back to school. Dad got sick on New Year's day and after he left, I got sick. So, I spent most of January in bed trying to get better and avoid spreading germs. Jeni, Crystal, and Matthew also had colds; so, we are glad that February seems to find us all feeling better. Fortunately, Jessica did not get sick because she has been very busy with her last semester of school. She even got to take a class trip to Monterey, Mexico, for the last five days of January. They toured four businesses to learn about international HR practices and did a little sight-seeing on Saturday. She had a great time and then had one of those conference story type of missionary moments on the flight home.

February finds us all back to our normal routines. I have finally started a serious job search. Jeni and Crystal are preparing for parent-teacher conferences and looking forward to their Hawaiian vacation in March. And, Jessica is writing lots of papers, taking lots of tests, and looking for a job to start after graduation.