Saturday, November 6, 2010

Just Because...

It's way past time for us to update our blog. I am sick of seeing the same pictures. Jessica and Sarah will talking about their lives shortly. We've been pretty boring, but here are a few things we've been up too.

This is what I do at work to entertain myself.

This is what we do at home to entertain ourselves. We like to dress up. Unfortunately we were on our way an 80's party which we thought was for 25-35 year olds. We were one of 10 people dressed up. We had a great time dancing, while others awkwardly stood around. We realize we are getting older, but the people there were super old and boring. I'm not ready to meet 40 year olds just yet. Lesson learned, it's not so bad to stay home. We have a lot more fun doing that.


R&B Hudson said...

hahaha!! I miss dress up parties with you guys. love this. and by the way that video made me laugh so hard.

Lauri said...

Evie just looked at your blog with me and wants to know if you gals can come over sometime :) Wouldn't we have a blast of a "girl party"? Keep up the adventures and blogging ladies!

Matthew and Alli said...

I'm glad you got bored enough to post! :D You guys are funny!

Jessica, Sarah, Crystal, and Jeni said...

Lauri, we would have a fabulous girl party! In fact, we should plan one sometime.